Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ever Wonder Where All That Stuff in the Toilet Goes?

May I start the post by saying...

If you have city or county sewage (that's where you pay for sewage on your water bill)...

Please, go hug your toilet!!

Now let me explain my reasoning behind this...

We live in the county (ie...country).

We don't have a sewer line we can tap into...

We have a septic tank...

a crap holder...

a (please cover the children's eyes and ears here) shit holder...

a BIG tank in the ground that you never see until you smell it!!

Yes, be thankful if you don't have to have a septic tank...

because this is what will happen to your back yard if you start to smell it...

It will become a mud hole because your husband can't remember where he buried it!

You need to hug the meter-reader guy every month he comes to read your sewage usage...

You need to kiss that sewage bill every month so you don't have to find this...

We are close, aren't we?

I don't show just anybody my septic tank!

But there it is!!

It has caused my back yard to go from a beautiful yard of green grass, to a yard of red mud!

You never worry about where that stuff in the toilet goes until you smell that smell...and you wish you had city sewage...

Hubby says he's got it fixed....we'll see...

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  1. Yup. I've got one of those and that's why I use Rid-X Septic Cleaner once a month. Of course, I'm also keeping my fingers crossed that your problem will never become mine. And, that's possible because my yard is sandy (a natural filter). It's no fun, but roses are six times more beautiful planted over a septic drain field. Think about it!

  2. I so wish we had a conventional septic but insteAd we have arobic. They said it would take months to get a permit for a conventional system ferret... So now we have sprinklers that water our pasture whether it needs it or not. Plus we have 3 green lids and a continually running motor inour back yard :( I hope your grass will come back quickly and thankful your husband got the problem fixed.


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